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Poland - national anthem

Writer's picture: One GlobeOne Globe

  • The national anthem of Poland is called "Mazurek Dąbrowskiego", often translated as "Dąbrowski's Mazurka" in English.

  • The music and lyrics were written by Józef Wybicki in 1797, making it one of the oldest national anthems in continuous use.

  • The song was officially adopted as the national anthem of Poland in 1926.

  • The anthem is named after General Jan Henryk Dąbrowski, a military leader who fought for Poland's independence during the time of the partitions.

  • The lyrics tell the story of the Polish Legions, units in Napoleon Bonaparte’s French Revolutionary Army, who were fighting to restore Poland's independence. They reflect the long-standing Polish yearning for independence.

  • The anthem is traditionally played at official state functions, during national holidays, and at international events where Poland is represented.

  • Despite the political changes Poland has undergone throughout its history, the anthem has remained the same since its adoption, signifying the unchanging spirit of the Polish people.

The lyrics translated into English:

Poland has not yet died,

So long as we still live.

What the foreign power has seized from us,

We shall recapture with a sabre.


March, march, Dąbrowski,

To Poland from the Italian land.

Under your command

We shall rejoin the nation.

We'll cross the Vistula, we'll cross the Warta,

We shall be Polish.

Bonaparte has given us the example

Of how we should prevail.


Like Czarniecki to Poznań

Returned across the sea

To save his homeland

After the Swedish partition.


The German nor the Muscovite will settle

When, with a backsword in hand,

"Concord" will be everybody's watchword

And so will be our fatherland.


A father, in tears,

Says to his Basia

Listen, our boys are said

To be beating the tarabans.


All exclaim in unison,

"Enough of this captivity!"

We've got the scythes of Racławice,

Kościuszko, if God wills.


Original lyrics:

Jeszcze Polska nie umarła,

Kiedy my żyjemy

Co nam obca moc wydarła,

Szablą odbijemy.


Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski

Do Polski z ziemi włoski

Za twoim przewodem

Złączym się z narodem.

Przejdziem Wisłę, przejdziem Wartę

Będziem Polakami

Dał nam przykład Bonaparte

Jak zwyciężać mamy.

Jak Czarniecki do Poznania

Wracał się przez morze

Dla ojczyzny ratowania

Po szwedzkim rozbiorze.

Niemiec, Moskal nie osiędzie,

Gdy jąwszy pałasza,

Hasłem wszystkich zgoda będzie

I ojczyzna nasza.

Już tam ojciec do swej Basi

Mówi zapłakany

Słuchaj jeno, pono nasi

Biją w tarabany.

Na to wszystkich jedne głosy

Dosyć tej niewoli

Mamy racławickie kosy

Kościuszkę Bóg pozwoli.


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